book character

this week we learned about book charater I did Hermione from harry potter me and my friend jaylee did hermione to’ then I put a photo of my outtfit, I use jaylee book and wand. then I  write about what my character is about my friend Shanah she had a book called billie B Brown and she dress up as her.

My precipitating clouds


so we learn about precipitating clouds

what do we need: so we need water and a cup and food coloring and shaving cream and  pppttis

first  put the water in the the shaving cream and put the food coloring in the shaving cream and look at the food coloring drizzle in the water

it fun making precipitating clouds in my class it was fun learning about the precipitating clouds and  the water in will look so cool if you try

the water will trun green or what color you like i did this with my friends we work togther.

My Summary


I liked how the story is about some of the things that I didn’t get I liked the story and how they are talking about cockles. If I it they would do more like this. the cockles are good to eat you can hunt for them to just go to a beach and make sure that there is a low tide I liked writing this story and it was so fun this it my story you just have to click the Summary. The word low tide is when the water is low and you can feel the sand in your feet.


This is my Summary


baking for the ANZAC biscuits

on the 14 of may we made anzac biscuits

it was the smell that made me want to eat it

we were in the hall and did the baking

and then we did our DLO

what is your favourite biscuits to make 

have a try and make some anzac biscuits

we hope you like the biscuits

my favourite thing about the biscuits is the it was the nice smell 

make one for you it is so yumm

and we baked it in a bag

make one it good.

kiwi can

I liked kiwi can for everything  and I liked to play mat dodge ball my favorite thing isthe GKQ and the theme I hope they you have a great birthday we wish you have a great holiday kiwi can

happy birthday heri you are are queen

The samurai and the tiger

There was a girl called Quincy and a boy called Hunter,and his pet called Tiger. They came by a cave and they went inside,they saw some crystals Quincy picked one up and dropped it but Tiger ate it, because he didn’t know what it was and he felt tingling in
his stomach then they found multiple doors going into a path so they went into one door then they smelt something odd they found out that it was the tigers upset stomach from eating the crystals.

When they went into the next door then they saw a path going into a dark space so they walked across a bridge, Hunter almost fell in then they got across to the other door of the cave it was like a maze so they went into another door and they found inside crystal fairies flying around.

Hunter turned around and could not find the tiger he was back at the place where they saw the crystals as his stomach was still upset.

Quincy and Hunter decided to go back to where tiger was left behind, so the crystal fairies guided them back towards tiger through the dark spaces of the cave.

Once they saw the light the crystal fairies flew back into the cave and waved goodbye,tiger was so happy to see Quincy and Hunter
Then they all decided to go home as they had finished exploring the cave for the day.

Bike safety check

this week room  2 have been riding the bike Before we ride the bikes we have to make sure we are safety

to be safety we need to check that our helmet fits the rules are …1 2 3 we have to use one finger for the bottom strap 

to maker sure we are safety it is tight enough we use 2 fingers for the safety so we do not get  hurt

AA- air you need to check the our ties 

B-breaks check your breaks

C- chain you have to make sure the chain have oil

D-Direction you have to make sure you are looking look at the road

S-Seat you have to tipi toe